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Felicia is incredibly blessed and grateful for a strong support system. She thanks her family, God and even Lupus too.

Lupus has a tough fight ahead, dealing with me, my family, my husband, my son and God. Lupus doesn’t have a fighting chance. Today I have so much to live for I cannot afford to die, yet. 


I’m grateful for my family who have been my rock, stepping in to help whenever they can. I’m forever grateful to my family who have stepped in and made incredible sacrifices for me, especially my mom and my sisters. My mom who has been my rock, and who is currently raising her grandchild/son when I’m physically unable to perform mommy duties. I love that I have so many incredible people in my life who love me and are sensitive to my challenges. I couldn’t imagine this lupus journey without them.


My faith in God has sustained me through many a dark night. Without it, I probably would not have survived and I definitely would not have flourished.


I’m grateful to Lupus because it has allowed me to love wholeheartedly like there is no tomorrow.

What would you like people to know about Lupus sufferers?

That they make it hard for us because they don’t try to understand. It’s hard to be sick when people keep thinking you can just take a nap and get over it, when they believe you’re faking and your whole body aches, when you look so well, like are you sure you’re really suffering from a chronic disease? You feel so much guilt over always cancelling plans, being unable to participate, over disappointing people, you just fake being well. Sometimes I say I’m ok, when in actuality I’m going to jump into bed the minute I am alone. When sometimes I get tired just thinking about the energy I need to take a bath, and I worry about falling asleep in the bath. Sometimes I spend all morning trying to talk myself into getting out of bed, but it’s so exhausting, I just don’t bother. I wish people understood how exhausting and painful Lupus really is.

What’s your message for fellow lupus sufferers?

Live your best life today, this is all you’ve got. Make it count. Don’t ever give up. You’ve got to bring it every single day, because Lupus is bringing it. You’ve got to be a warrior, a fighter, your own superhero, you’ve got to believe you deserve to live.

circle-312343_640Felie is a Lupie. But that does not define her. A fascinating story that will surely offer hope to those who are battling and their families and at the same time provide insight on this dreadful disease.  Thank you Felicia for your candid interview on Living with Lupus. It is our hope that your story will offer hope to the hopeless, strength to the weak and comfort to the brokenhearted. We join in the fight and wish you well dearest. We hope for a cure in your lifetime.  

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Post Author: monae

One Reply to “Family, Faith, Felicia and Lupus”

  1. Felicia is a truly remarkable woman. I admire her spirit and zest for life. Love her!!!

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