Felicia Leon: Winning The Fight Against Lupus

05/30/2016 By monae

By: Monica Victor Her incredible journey battling this relentless disease and defying all odds Imagine checking into an emergency room and being told, “One thing is obvious, you’re going to die and the autopsy will tell us why. We have all this equipment, so many specialists and yet we don’t know what’s wrong with you.” For Felicia […]

Felicia’s Long-Awaited Diagnosis

05/30/2016 By monae

Fast forward to March 2007 and Felicia was now in the United States. I was visiting my sister in Miami and fell sick, but this time it was different. When I got to the ER, the nurse took one look at me and said, ‘finally someone who is really sick’. What a greeting, huh. What were your […]

Felicia’s Life After Lupus Diagnosis

05/30/2016 By monae

Felicia has been living life as a Lupie for nine years now. Albeit not an easy feat, she’s intent on kicking Lupus’ butt. So how is life as a Lupie? It’s hard, that’s the honest truth. Lupus takes the fight out of you. There are some things I will never do again, like sit outside in the sun. It’s […]

Felicia’s Lupus Treatment

05/28/2016 By monae

How effective are the medicines you’re on? The medications help but they have their own side effects which can be deadly sometimes. But the benefits outweigh the risks. I have been on prednisone on and off since I was about 21. Eventually you feel like you’re always popping pills which don’t make you better, but give you stomach problems. All […]

Felicia Defied More Odds

05/28/2016 By monae

Living with lupus is hard but not a death sentence. Felicia defied many odds. Among them… In the midst of this horrible nightmare, I met my wonderful husband and we have an amazing thoughtful little boy named Jerry. He is my biggest reason for trying to outlive lupus. I thought lupus had robbed me of everything until I got pregnant. Pregnancy […]

Felicia’s Lupus Coping Mechanisms

05/26/2016 By monae

Any other coping mechanisms? Laughter A good sense of humor helps because sometimes all you can do to not break down is realize it’s all laughable. I use humor to help me survive and deal with flare-ups. I find lupus jokes and send to fellow lupies, we laugh at our limitations. I find other people Iike me living with lupus and we […]